The latest Dulwich Society journal features two Dulwich
Hamlet related articles
The first, titled DulwichHamlet Football Club and Lorraine ‘Pa’ Wilson is a very informative piece
about the founder of Dulwich Hamlet.
Sharon O’Connor, one of the journal’s regular contributors,
has uncovered details about Pa Wilson’s early life that add to our understanding
of what made him tick.
The Hamlet Historian was sourced for the article – originally
titled Lorraine ‘Pa’ Wilson (1865-1924):
Founder of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club and practical social idealist. This
was sent to us a few months ago to confirm some details. In the much longer unedited version acknowledgement was kindly made to us. However, in the printed
version the acknowledgement has disappeared altogether. Sharon has since emailed us to
apologise for the omission.
Her original version, which runs to 2,600 words, was sadly hacked
to pieces to fit the quarterly journal. Presumably
the missing 1300 words were sacrificed to make way for the editor’s own article
about the current situation at Dulwich Hamlet FC. The less said about Green’s
piece the better.
The HH also provided some excellent photographs but these were
discarded altogether. Instead, for reasons only known to the editorial team,
they have thrown in a picture of a group of Dulwich Hamlet schoolchildren from